Круглый стол Центра исследований современной культуры ИГИТИ НИУ ВШЭ «Manga as Literature, Manga as Reading»

Мероприятие завершено

Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»

Институт гуманитарных историко-теоретических исследований

 Центр исследований современной культуры ИГИТИ

15 апреля, 2019

ул. Мясницкая д. 11, ауд. 508 

Круглый стол «Manga as Literature, Manga as Reading»


16.00 – 17.30

Лекция  Жаклин Берндт (профессор японского языка и литературы, Стокгольмский университет) 

Manga as “Literature”: Seizing the Chance to Revise Established Concepts


Manga continues to be a stronghold of graphic narratives, even under conditions of a media ecology that tends to facilitate non-narrative characters and other usages than modern reading. Research that is interested in aesthetics and texts has come to conceptualize manga as narrative media rather than visual culture, and it leans on tools derived from literary and film studies rather than art history. But in the attempt to get manga acknowledged as an academic subject, there is also an inclination to apply established, authoritative concepts to the new subject instead of seizing the chance to revise them. This lecture aims at revisiting our notion of literature, shaped as it has been by modern (European) culture, through the perspective of manga. In the main, three of the numerous manga adaptations of Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment shall be analyzed, namely, the earliest one by Tezuka Osamu (1953), the shōjo manga version by female artist Ōshima Yumiko (1973), and Ochiai Naoyuki’s more recent 10-volume seinen manga series (2006-2011). They allow to consider manga’s historically changing relation to literature with regards to status and storytelling, and also particularities of literature in modern Japan. After all, until the late 1960s, Dostoyevsky’s later novels were read not necessarily as translated European but as modern Japanese literature — one critic even spoke of “Yamato Dostoyevsky” in that regard. At around the same time advanced literary critics highlighted the “death of the author,” the novel’s polyphony, and the empowering affective potential of commercial popular literature, although not yet related to a non-European culture like Japan. In recent years, the notion of literature has become geopolitically and regionally more diversified. However, studies on World Literature/s do still not include comics, genre fiction, or light novels. Against this backdrop, the lecture will use the Crime and Punishment examples to explore how manga can contribute to a broader notion of literature, in particular with respect to bounded or serial narratives, non/segmented audiences and public spheres, critical distance and affective immersion, paper-based and web-based reading, national and global literature.

17.30 – 17.50. Перерыв 

17-50 – 19.00.  Круглый стол: Manga in Literary Contexts 

Юлия Магера (старший преподаватель Института классического Востока и античности НИУ ВШЭ). European Literature Aesthetics of the First Half of the 20th Century in Boy's Love Manga

Наталья Самутина (ведущий научный сотрудник ИГИТИ НИУ ВШЭ). Difficulties of Becoming a Book: Culturally Legitimizing Manga in Contemporary Russia

Юлия Тарасюк (куратор библиотеки комиксов Измайловской городской библиотеки, Санкт-Петербург). Reading Shoujo manga in Russia: Adoration and Survival

Язык мероприятия: английский, без перевода. 

Для заказа пропуска просьба обращаться к Александре Колесник по адресу: akolesnik@hse.ru.