Семинар "Социальные исследования экономического знания": Ева Дабровска
8/04/2013 на открытом заседании семинара НУГ выступила Ева Дабровска, аспирантка Гамбургского института международной экономики (HWWI), с докладом "Resource abundance as a cognitive challenge: Institutional change in the Russian financial system in the years 2001-2011". Подробнее...
Аннотация доклада:
The talk will convey some aspects of my doctoral dissertation. I will address cognitive templates guiding the macroeconomic policy in Russia. Both economic ideas reflected in the governmental policies and institutions and those contained in the discourse of economic dissenters – economists, bankers, entrepreneurs, some politicians and higher bureaucrats - will be analysed. On the example of the Stabilization Fund conditions that make economic ideas politically powerful will be explored. With the reference to the theoretical framework developed by Peter Hall (1989) according to which ideas have to be viable in economic, administrative and political terms to become successful, the question will be examined of why the idea of investing the Stabilization Fund resources in the domestic economy proved too ambitious in the Russian context despite its apparent appeal.