Илья Гурьянов выступил на аспирантском семинаре Школы философии
26 марта на аспирантском семинаре Школы философии в здании факультета гуманитарных наук Вышки выступил участник нашей научно-учебной группы Илья Гурьянов с англоязычным докладом: "The ways of reception of Platonism in Marsilio Ficino’s anthropology". В частности, в докладе были рассмотрены особеннсоти аргументации виднейшего представителя флорентийского неоплатонизма Марсилио Фичино (1433-1499) в медико-астрологическом трактате "О жизни". В состоявшемся после выступления обсуждении в качестве экспертов приняли участие члены нашей НУГ Юлия Иванова и Павел Соколов. Предлагаем Вашему вниманию аннотацию доклада.
Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) was an Italian philosopher, translator, and commentator who was frequently patronized by the most powerful families of Florence, especially by Medici Family. Ficino is one of the main figures of the Renaissance Platonism since he formulated the historiosophic conception of prisca theologia and translated from Greek into Latin all the works by Plato and Plotinus and the writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus as well as commented on them. Ficino was not the only advocate of Platonism in the Renaissance and he was not the first who tried to translate Plato’s dialogues into Latin, but his philosophical writings and translations are considered to have made a significant contribution to the development of early Modern philosophies. Moreover, his translations of and commentaries on Plato’s and Plotinus’ texts were taken into account until the XIX century and in some specific contexts they were used even later. For instance, Friedrich Schelling adverted to Ficino’s translation of Plato’s Timaeus when he studied at a theological seminary in Tübingen (Tübinger Stift) and wrote his own commentaries on Plato’s writings. Since Alfred Whitehead once pointed out that “the safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato”, Ficino’s contribution to the reception of Platonic tradition should be analyzed more precisely. My paper concerns the different ways of reception of Platonism in Ficinos writings devoted to various aspects of human being.