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Приглашаем на лекции профессора Гери Фернгрена

Кафедра истории медицины, истории отечества и культурологии, возглавляемая профессором Дмитрием Алексеевичем Балалыкиным, - приглашает студентов и исследователей, интересующихся историей античной медицины, посетить в этом семестре курс лекций профессора Орегонского университета Гери Фернгрена. О точных датах лекций будет сообщено в ближайшее время: следите за обновлениями нашего сайта. 

Предлагаем Вашему вниманию примерную программу курса, переданную нам профессором Фернгреном:

1 блок.

Several years ago I taught a class for non-medical students in history of medicine.  I called it "Civilisation and Disease."  These were the lectures I gave:

- Disease and Healing in Prehistoric and Primitive Societies
- Doctors and Patients:  An Historical Survey
- A History of Plagues and Epidemics
- Medicine and Religion
- Medical Ethics in the Western Tradition
- The Progress of Medicine
- The Changing Face of Death
- A History of Public Health
- Contemporary Issues in Health-Care.  (1) Universal (Government-sponsored) health care and its problems; (2) Death and Dying today (with problems associated with keeping patients alive)

These lectures were  for those who knew little about medical history. But medical students could probably benefit from them since they are historical in scope and provide some interesting background.

2 блок.

It would be very easy for me to give a whole 3-weeks course on Greek medicine. Some of the subjects I could lecture on are:

- Mesopotamian and Egyptian healing and medicine
- Pre-Hippocratic Greek medicine
- Hippocratic medicine and the Hippocratic Corpus
- Religious healing: Asclepius and the Hellenistic cults
- Greek medical ethics
- Erasistratus and Herophilus and Alexandrian medicine and surgery
- Roman folk medicine
- The spread of Greek medicine to Rome
- The influence of Greek medicine in the post-Roman period: its influence in the Middle Ages and Renaissance to     Parcelsus and beyond
- The early early Christian appropriation of naturalistic medicine

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