Алексей Плешков выступит с докладом на аспирантском научном семинаре факультета философии
Мероприятие завершено
Младший научный сотрудник ИГИТИ имени А. В. Полетаева, аспирант факультета философии НИУ ВШЭ Алексей Плешков выступит с докладом «Instantaneousness—Time—Eternity as Modes of Existence in Plato’s Timaeus». В докладе будет предложена интерпретация философии времени Платона в контексте онтологии «Тимея». Смотрите подробнее...
Младший научный сотрудник ИГИТИ имени А. В. Полетаева, аспирант факультета философии НИУ ВШЭ Алексей Плешков выступит с докладом «Instantaneousness—Time—Eternity as Modes of Existence in Plato’s Timaeus». В докладе будет предложена интерпретация философии времени Платона в контексте онтологии «Тимея».Аннотация
Instantaneousness—Time—Eternity as Modes of Existence in Plato’s Timaeus
According to historians of philosophy widely spread opinion, Plato makes a philosophical conceptualization of the term eternity (αἰών) in the famous passage of the Timaeus 37d, using the term in the sense of transcendent eternity and contrasting it to the time (χρόνος). This eternity/time dichotomy seems to be a standard view of Plato’s philosophy of time. Nevertheless, I believe, that such interpretation is based on the later theological tradition and doesn’t reflect Plato’s ontology proposed in the Timaeus .
In my presentation I’d like to formulate interpretative scheme for Plato’s philosophy of time and find the ground for such scheme in traditional for Greeks view of time (in archaic and contemporary to Plato’s texts). It’s important to remember, that for Greek authors time-experience is always connected with the life-experience – either personal, or cosmic. Thus, I propose to distinguish three types of existence in respect of time in the Timaeus :
- Time (the way of the World’s existence) is characterized by the succession of different states. This succession is going (or it is ordered) from the past through the present to future.
- Instantaneousness (the way of the Matter’s existence) is characterized by the constant change of different states without any order.
- Eternity (the way of the Model’s existence) is characterized by the unseparated unity or entirety of life.
24 апреля, 2014 г. 18:00
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