Препринт Алексея Плешкова
В серии препринтов «Humanities» вышла работа младшего научного сотрудника ИГИТИ имени А. В. Полетаева Алексея Плешкова «Master Or Servant: Language In Thomas Hobbes’ Political Philosophy» (69/HUM/2014). Смотрите подробнее...
В серии препринтов «Humanities» вышла работа младшего научного сотрудника ИГИТИ имени А. В. Полетаева Алексея Плешкова «Master Or Servant: Language In Thomas Hobbes’ Political Philosophy» (69/HUM/2014).Language theory is an important part of Hobbes’ intellectual legacy. Nevertheless, it seems that the value of language can be understood only within political sphere. The role and place of language in Hobbes’ political theory should be examined intimately. What can language say about distinction between natural and political philosophy? Does the sovereign have power over the language of his subjects? Can we distinguish language in the commonwealth and language in the state of nature? Searching for answers to these questions is important not only in the context of the history of philosophy, but allows us to include Hobbes’ ideas in modern political and philosophical discourse.
22 октября, 2014 г.