Лекция Стеллы Рок «‘Post-secular’ Europe through the lens of pilgrimage»
Стелла Рок прочла в ИГИТИ лекцию «‘Post-secular’ Europe through the lens of pilgrimage». In this lecture Dr Stella Rock explores some of the recent approaches to the study of pilgrimage taken by scholars from a variety of disciplines, focusing on theories, methodologies and impact. What can the study of pilgrimage tell us about contemporary religiosity, about individual and collective identities, about continuity and change in religious behaviours, about the significance of religion in the public and social spheres? How can we approach the study of pilgrimage, and why should we bother? She will focus on academic research published in languages other than Russian, and primarily address the study of Christian pilgrimage in modern and contemporary Europe.
21 апреля, 2015 г.
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