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В журнале «Urban History» опубликована статья Натальи Самутиной и Бориса Степанова

В новом номере (Vol. 45, Issue 1) журнала «Urban History» опубликована статья ведущих научных сотрудников ИГИТИ Натальи Самутиной и Бориса Степанова «An eighteenth-century theme park: museum-reserve Tsaritsyno (Moscow) and the public culture of the post-Soviet metropolis».

В журнале «Urban History» опубликована статья Натальи Самутиной и Бориса Степанова

Аннотация статьи:

The article discusses the dramatic history of the Tsaritsyno Park and museum-reserve. By the mid-2000s, it had become one of Moscow's iconic places and a zone where urban public culture was shaped. The authors trace the history of this architectural ensemble and park in terms of their role in сity culture and analyse changes in the historical culture of contemporary post-Soviet Moscow. The Tsaritsyno Park and museum exemplify these changes. An unfinished country residence of Catherine II, with a Grand Palace that had stood as a ruin for over 200 years, it has been radically renewed by the Moscow city authorities in what came to be labelled ‘fantasy restoration’. The palace was finished and now serves as the core of the museum, organized according to a controversial historical policy. Tsaritsyno as a whole became a cultural oddity featuring historical attractions for the public, effectively an ‘eighteenth-century theme park’. 

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