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Павел Юрьевич Уваров опубликовал статью "Who founded the University of Paris? A history of a one Sixteenth-century lawsuit"

В журнале "History of Education and Children's Literature" (2014, №1) вышла статья члена-корреспондента РАН, профессора П.Ю. Уварова "Who founded the University of Paris? A history of a one Sixteenth-century lawsuit"

С кратким изложением статьи "Who founded the University of Paris? A history of a one Sixteenth-century lawsuit" можно ознакомиться ниже:

The article explores a sixteenth-century lawsuit concerning an ecclesiastical benefice of the University of Paris. If we look for the causes of future collisions in the 1586 court hearings, then we should speak more generally about the conflict between the faculties of theology and arts, between the Dean and the Rector, or between the Sorbonne and the college of Navarre. Latent rivalry, hitherto shadowed by struggle against ‘common’ enemies, such as Protestants and Jesuits, or against royal encroachments on academic privileges and property (such as Pré-aux-Clercs) and attempts to implement a radical reform of colleges, would boil over into an open conflict in the middle of the seventeenth century. The history of the University served as a weapon in all these conflicts. The author scrutinizes the lawyers’ arguments as building materials for inventing the historical tradition of the University of Paris.