Our new books: Tsaritsyno. Attractions with history. Ed. by Natalia Samutina and Boris Stepanov. Moscow: New Literary Observer, 2014.
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Tsaritsyno. Attractions with history. Ed. by Natalia Samutina and Boris Stepanov. Moscow: New Literary Observer, 2014.
The book is written by a collective of researchers and students of Higher School of Economics as a result of three years research project. It is devoted to present State Historical-architectural, Art and Landscape Museum-reserve Tsaritsyno. It is a vibrant and rich cultural space where different conceptions of history collide, as well as different visions of normative behavior and public culture, functions and atmosphere of contemporary (post-soviet, capital) city space. The main character of the book is the Tsaritsyno visitor, for whom these historical attractions work, and who redefines their content and conditions of their development. The researchers addressed both general theoretical and more particular ethnographic questions to this visitor of Tsaritsyno. The book is richly illustrated with photographs taken by the project team.
N. Samutina, B. Stepanov
On the meaning of attractions and on our history
B. Stepanov
“Empress’s palace for the people”: memory of the place and history of modernity
B. Stepanov
About the new and the old: tsarina’s museum on the ruins of the romantic legend
D. Khlevnyuk
Authenticity of a modern replica
N. Samutina, N. Komarova
“Tons of water fly in inconceivable ways”: fountain-attraction and the new imagery of Tsaritsyno park
N. Samutina, O. Zaporozhets
Being with others: anthropology of norm in Tsaritsyno park
E. Sivak
“One map, many routes”: navigation in Tsaritsyno park and the regimes of perception of the space
R. Abramov
Contemporary park ensemble as a “leisure machine”: barrier technologies in Tsaritsyno
N. Komarova, N. Samutina
“In the eye of the beholder”: Tsaritsyno landscape and the visual practices of modernity
R. Abramov, O. Zaporozhets
Space of love and space of care: practices of people reclaiming Tsaritsyno
E. Rozhdestvenskaya
Wedding videography of Tsaritsyno
R. Abramov, E. Riise
Chess and volleyball players: ethnography of communities in Tsaritsyno park
B. Stepanov
“Holding on the roots”: old residents and local historians of Tsaritsyno in the new century
A. Ozhiganova
The sacred in the worldly: the church of the icon of Mother of God “Life-giving spring” in Tsaritsyno
E. Riise
Space for children in the park: geography of events
R. Abramov, E. Sivak, D. Khlevnyuk
Visitors of the museum: sociological portrait