Boris Stepanov and Alexandra Kolesnik participated in the conference of the Italian Association of Public History

IGITI research fellows Boris Stepanov and Alexandra Kolesnik participated in a panel "Shaping Public History in Russia: Forms, Places and Media" at the second conference of the Italian Association of Public History. The conference took place in Pisa, on June 11-15.

The panel "Shaping Public History in Russia: Forms, Places and Media" was dedicated to characteristic aspects of public history forms in Russia, from educational programmes to representations of the past in popular culture. Boris Stepanov delivered a paper "“Be Kind Rewind”: Soviet Space Flights on the Post-Soviet Screen", which demonstated how space exploration is constructed in contemporary Russian cinema. Alexandra Kolesnik in her talk "Tsoi Memorial Sites: Rethinking Soviet History of the 1980s through Musical Past" explained how memorial places devoted to lead singer on a soviet rock group "Kino" Victor Tsoi enable creation of new images of the late soviet past.

See the conference programme and abstracts of the panel's papers.