Presentation by M.A. Boytsov at the seminar of the Russian Museum of Medicine
Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at the seminar of the Russian Museum of Medicine
Article about quarantines by Elena Vishlenkova and Sergey Zatravkin
Elena Vishlenkova and Sergey Zatravkin published an article "Quarantines and Sanitary Conventions of Russia with the Northern Maritime Powers (first third of the 19th century)"
Rania Khaziahmetova made a presentation at the seminar of the Center for the History of Medicine
The presentation of Rania Khaziahmetova “Ways to Modernize Healthcare in Kazan during the first years of Soviet Power” was made
IX Poletaev Readings
4-5 октября состоялись IX Полетаевские чтения, ежегодная конференция ИГИТИ, посвященная памяти Андрея Владимировича Полетаева.
Congratulations to the winner of the "Best Lecturer - 2019" contest!
По результатам традиционного студенческого голосования ординарный профессор Школы исторических наук Елена Вишленкова названа лучшим преподавателем 2019 года. Поздравляем!
Vladislav Yakovenko has published preprint in HSE Basic Research Program series
Vladislav Yakovenko has published preprint "Non-Bolshevik Healthcare in Russia: Organization of the Medical Care in the Northern Region (August 1918 – October 1919)" in the "Humanities" working paper series of HSE Basic Research Program.