The paper of Yulia Kamaeva "Strategies of cultural resources management in small historic towns in Russia (cases of Rostovthe-Great and Pereslavl-Zalessky" has been published in the IGITI series of working papers (WP6 “Humanities”). In the light of the theories of M. Kavaratzis, G.J. Ashworth, G. Richards and J. Wilson author considers the transformations that have occurred in the system of cultural management in two Russian historic towns, Rostov-the-Great and Pereslavl-Zalessky, during the post-Soviet period. The paper deals with identification of new subjects in cultural management system and with changes that have occurred in the structure of relations among the players in that field. See and download the paper.
Tag "publications"
The paper by Boris Stepanov "The Space of the City and Literary Imagination: the Legacy of Nikolai Antsiferov" has been published in the interdisciplinary journal "Enthymema". It is devoted to the discussion of the legacy of Nikolai Antsiferov (1889–1958), a Russian historian who suggested an original design of urban studies in which literature played the key role. See and download the paper.
The book is devoted to and inspired by contemporary city. A variety of research approaches grasping the fluidity, plurality and ambiguity of urban life are united by micro-urbanism as a common analytical perspective. See contents.
The book is written by a collective of researchers and students of Higher School of Economics as a result of three years research project. It is devoted to present State Historical-architectural, Art and Landscape Museum-reserve Tsaritsyno.
See contents.
See contents.