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A new article by Vladislav Yakovenko

Vladislav Yakovenko published an article in the journal "Problems of Social Hygiene, Healthcare and the History of Medicine" (in Russian).

Illustration for news: Sergei Zatravkin and Elena Vishlenkova issued the article in the Journal of the History of Science and Technology

Sergei Zatravkin and Elena Vishlenkova issued the article in the Journal of the History of Science and Technology

Chief Research Fellows of IGITI Sergei Zatravkin and Elena Vishlenkova issued the article 'Early Soviet Medicine: digital and narrative utopies' in the 'Kwartalnik Historii nauki I techniki. Quarterly Journal of the History of Science and Technology' by Polish Academy of Sciences (2019, №4).

Illustration for news: Elena Vishlenkova and Sergei Zatravkin issued the article in the journal 'Dialog so vremenem'

Elena Vishlenkova and Sergei Zatravkin issued the article in the journal 'Dialog so vremenem'

Elena Vishlenkova and Sergei Zatravkin issued the article 'Doctor’s narrative under the light of intellectual history: Kovno, 1827' in the journal 'Dialog so Vremenem' (2019, №6).