A Video from the International Conference "And the Word Became Garden: Conception and Image in the History of the Landscape Culture"
On October 5-8, 2016, the autumn school and international academic conference "And the Word Became Garden: Conception and Image in the History of the Landscape Culture" took place at HSE. The first day began with a presentation of Boris Sokolov's project "A Russian Poliphilus (1499-2017)", a lecture by Massimo Venturi Ferriolo "Burden of Existence: to the Idea of the Endless Landscape," and a presentation of multimedia project by Ulrich Gehmann "Ideal Spaces" (Biennale Venezia – 2016, GAAF Award – 2016).
Программа конференции.
October 09, 2016
About persons
Julia Ivanova
Pavel Sokolov
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