Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
March 30, 2021. Natalia Samutina Memorial Lecture. Ellen Rutten (University of Amsterdam) "Imperfections Attract and Protests Appeal".
April 7, 2021. Seminar "Writing a Global History of Soviet Socialism: Geopolitics, Knowledge, Experience".
April 13, 2021. Lecture by Ben Eklof and Tatiana Saburova "In Search of Authenticity: Populist Ethics and the Soviet Intelligentsia [A Case Study]".
May 28, 2021. Seminar. Talk by Michael Gordin "After Soviet Science: Three Episodes in the History of Knowledge".
February 28, 2020. Roundtable
Field Research in Russia
Speaker: J. Morris (Aarhus University)
March 4, 2020. Seminar
1968 and the Projects of Theory
Speaker: G. Tikhanov (IGITI, Queen Mary University of London)
March 12, 2020. Seminar
Seeing Like a State? Local Governance and State-Society Relations in Provincial Russia Through the Lens of the School
Speaker: Dr. Ben Eklof (Indiana University)
May 29, 2020. Webinar
Travelling Microbes in Central Europe
Speakers: Katharina Kreuder-Sonnen (Vienna), Katrin Steffen (Lüneburg)
June 16, July 7, 2020. Seminar
Academic authority and the politics of science and history in Eastern Europe
October 2, 2020. Poletayev Memorial Readings
IGITI and Corridors of Theory
February 20, 2019. International Symposium
Art Sciences at the Border of Science and Art. GACHN and Aesthetic Experience of the 1920s.
February 27, 2019. Seminar
“There is a Lot of Space Downstairs”: the Creation of Space in a Limited World
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Alfred Nordmann (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
March 20, 2019. Seminar
Transforming Russia: The Experimental Education Movement in the Perestroika Era
Speaker: Dr. Ben Eklof (Indiana University)
April 2, 2019. Seminar
The Academy of Social Sciences and Further Career Mobility for the Employees of Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1950-1980s
Speaker: Dr. N. Mitrokhin (Universität Bremen )
April 15, 2019. Roundtable
Manga as Literature, Manga as Reading
April 25, 2019. Seminar
Truth and Fact in Russian Pre-Revolutionary Jurisprudence and Historiography
Speaker: E. Pravilova (Princeton University)
May 16, 2019. Seminar
Deadlock of the tsarist nationality policy in the western borderlands (late imperial period)
Speaker: D. Stalunas (Institute of Lithuanian History)
June 3-4, 2019. Conference
Beyond Post-Truth: Media Landscapes in the "Age of Insecurity"
June 3, 2019. Seminar
Glasnost Noire: A Graphic Cultural History of J. H. Chase in Russia
Speaker: Birgitte Beck Pristed (Aarhus University)
June 7, 13, 2019. Workshops
Historical Sociology of Concepts: a Platform with Open Code
Methodology of Bourdieu: Research Applications
Speaker: A. Bibikov (EHESS)
September 6, 2019. Lecture
Scales of Comparison: The Rise of Comparative Literature and the Return of 'World Literature'
Speaker: G. Tikhanov (IGITI, Queen Mary University of London)
September 13, 2019. Seminar
Sound and Personality in Stalin’s Gulag
Speaker: G. Cornish (University of Rochester)
September 19-20, 2019. Conference
Mapping diseases – monitoring health: Geographies of medicine in the Tsarist Empire and the Soviet Union
September 23-24, 2019. Conference
Guicciardini and Machiavelli at the roots of Modern Historical Knowledge
October 4-5, 2019. Poletayev Memorial Readings
Historical Imagination of the Era of Late Socialism (1953-1991)
November 18, 2019. Seminar
The Problem with Pseudoscience
Speaker: M. Gordin (Princeton University)
February 9, 2018. Seminar
Technophilosophy in the Late USSR: the Network Structure of Interdisciplinary Synthesis
Speaker: R. Khandozhko (University of Tübingen)
June 21-22, 2018. International conference
Soviet States and Beyond: Political Epistemologies of/and Marxism 1917-1945-1968.
May 23, 2017. Book presentation
Ellen Rutten, «Sincerity after Communism».
September 22, 2017. Poletayev Memorial Readings
Humanities in the Third Millenium.
October 12-13, 2017. International Conference
'Academic Revolutions?' Understanding Conceptual Renewal and Institutional Innovation in the Modern World.
December 8, 2017. Lectures by Serge Noiret
International Public History
The Museum for the History of Fascism in Predappio. Video.
May 11, 2016. Seminar
Institutionalization and de-institutionalization of social science disciplines in Europe.
Speaker: C. Fleck. Video.
May 12-13, 2016. International Conference
Challenges of Participatory Culture: Methodologies and Perspectives of Research.
September 6-7, 2016. Lectures of Prof. Galin Tihanov
Classical theories of culture
What comparative literature studies compare
September 9 2016. Poletayev Memorial Readings
Natural Sciences and Humanities: a New Interaction (Dis)Order.
March 11, 2015. Seminar
"Contagion" in literature: ways of depicting and aesthetic potential.
Speaker: Stefania I. Sini.
April 20, 2015. Seminar
Shell shock in the First World War and after.
Speaker: Jay Winter.
April 21, 2015. Lecture
‘Post-secular’ Europe through the lens of pilgrimage.
Speaker: Stella Rock.
April 24, 2015. Lecture
Towards a Comparative History of the Russian 20th Century Intelligentsia: A Case Study of Moscow Medievalists in Pan-European Perspective (1900–1970)
Speaker: V. Ryzhkovsky.
June 1-5, 2015. Lectures of Prof. Carlo Ginzburg
Schema and Bias: A Historian’s Reflection on Double-Blind Experiments
Aby Warburg's Scissors
Unintentional Revelations: Reading History Against the Grain
On Small Differences: Ekphrasis and Connoisseurship
Reading the archives of repression, obliquely
Programme and abstracts.
October 29-30, 2015. International Conference
Biological Concepts, Models, and Metaphors in Social and Human Sciences
November 18, 2014. Seminar
“Restoring historical truth”: from an ethical-political struggle to a scientific endeavor. A few reflections on ambiguities and contradictions of the Soviet dissidence’s bid to rewrite Soviet history (1956–1985).
Speaker: Barbara Martin (Department of International History, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies).
October 24, 2014. Book presentation
The Rise and Propagation of Historical Professionalism (Routledge, 2015).
Speaker: Rolf Torstendahl, emeritus professor of history at the University of Uppsala
August 28-30, 2014. International Summer School
Intellectual History Vis-à-Vis Sociology of Knowledge: Between Models and Cases
Center for the History of Ideas and Sociology of Knowledge.
Program, Photo, Video.
June 9-10, 2014. Series of lectures by Prof. Luca Bianchi on the perception of Aristotle’s doctrine in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
Speaker: Prof. Luca Bianchi.
Co-sponsored by: Center for the History of Text and Language Studies ; Center for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy and Science (Institute of Philosophy. Russian Academy of Sciences); Laboratory of Medieval Studies (NRU HSE).
Video, Photo.
May 23-24, 2014. International conference
HistoriCity: Urban Space and Changing Historical Culture: City and the Changing Culture of History
Center for Studies of Contemporary Culture
Program Abstracts
April 20, 2014. Seminar of the Center for University Studies.
Ratings of the Universities
Speaker: L. D. Taradina
Report. Photo.
April 7, 2014. Seminar of the Center for the History of Ideas and Sociology of Knowledge
Disciplines and interdisciplinarity in the first quarter of the twentieth century: Psychology and Teaching in Russia / USSR
Speaker: Andy Byford (Durham University).
April 4, 2014. Seminar cosponsored by the Faculty of Philology (NRU HSE) and Center for the History of Text and Language Studies
International journal of literary criticism, literary theory, and philosophy of literature "Enthymema"
Speaker: Stefania I. Sini.
March 18, 2014. Seminar of the Center for University Studies
Contemporary Environmental History of the Eastern Bloc. Ecological globalization and regional Dynamics.
Speaker: Prof. Klaus Gestwa (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)
Summary. Photo.
December 9-11, 2013. Polish-Russian Debate
Poland-Russia: Searching for New Identity
Program. Photo.
November 16, 2013. HSE Research Groups Conference
Graffiti and Street Art in Cultural Cityscape
Report. Photo.
October 28, November 1, 8, 2013. Series of Seminars of Languages of intellectual Culture Research Group
Before and after The Birth of Tragedy ... (the origin and reception contexts of Friedrich Nietzsche’s work)
October 17-19, 2013. International Conference
III Poletayev Memorial Readings
Social and Human Sciences on Both Sides of the “Iron Curtain”
Program. Photo. Interviews: Olessia Kirtchik, Wade Hands and David Engerman.
September 26-28, 2013. 4th International Conference
University Traditions: a Resource or a Burden?
organized by the Russian Association of Higher Education Researchers together with the Center for University Studies
Prоgramme Photo. Video.
September 6, 2013. Round Table of the Center for the History of Ideas and Sociology of Knowledge
Russian Social Sciences and Humanities as Part of the International Science: Dialogues and Predictions
Photo. Video. Discussion. Review.
July 8-10, 2013. Panel at the conference of International Visual Sociology Association (Goldsmiths, University of London)
Street Art, the City and the Public: Changing the Urban Vision
June 7-8, 2013. International conference (Moscow)
Street Art in the Changing City: Theoretical Perspectives
Program Abstracts Interview with Luke Dickens Interview with Andrea Mubi Brighenti
May 29-31, 2013. International conference
(Investigations and perspectives on Giambattista Vico in the third millennium)
Co-sponsored by the Center for the History of Text and Language Studies IGITI and Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Program (Italian) Video (Italian) Call for papers Photo Interviews (Italian, Russian, Portuguese)
May 24-25, 2013. International Workshop
Human and Social Sciences in Russia: Invention of Scientific Language and Translation
Co-sponsored by CERCEC (EHESS/CNRS) and the German-Speaking Countries laboratory (ENS, CNRS)
May 22, 2013. Roundtable of the Center for Studies of Contemporary Culture
The Artist and Art Within Urban Change
George-Simmel-Center for Metropolitan Studies
Co-sponsored by Laboratory of Urban Studies (Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and London University College.
May 11-13, 2013. Conference
HISTORICAL POLITICS / International Debate
Co-sponsored by IGITI and the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies "Artes Liberales" (University of Warsaw).
Video1, 2 Photo1, 2
March 26, 2013. Roundtable
Non-Academic Forms of Work with the Past
in cooperation with the International Society "Memorial"
Program. Photo
March 15-16, 2013. International conference of the Center for Studies of Contemporary Culture
Scholarly Periodicals: Organizational Structure of Science and Translation of Knowledge
in cooperation with the Center for the History of Ideas and Sociology of Knowledge and campus of HSE in Saint-Petersburg.
February 25, 2013. Conference
Professionalisation of Knowledge: Its History and Contemporary Status in the Humanities
in cooperation with the Laboratory of Cultural Studies (CFR, HSE).
December 19, 2012. Presentation of the book
The Status of the Document
with participation of the Editorial house NLO (Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie)
December 13, 2012. Lecture
Orthodox Education in Exile
Speaker: Dr. Alexander V. Markov (Moscow State University)
December 10-15, 2012. Polish-Russian Debate
How Do We Define Our Community? The Foreign and the Other: Neighbors, Partners, Friends, Internal Enemy, External Enemy etc. (Polish Perspective, Russian Perspective)
Sponsored by Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies "Artes Liberales" (University of Warsaw).
December 13-15, 2012. Master Class
Silent Places (Wroclaw)
December 10, 2012. Seminar of the Center for the History of Ideas and Sociology of Knowledge
The Cossack Myth and its Reflections: History and Nationhood in the Age of Empires
Speaker: Prof. Serhii Plokhii (Harvard)
November 13, 2012. Seminar of the Center for Studies of Contemporary Culture
Youth Cultural Scenes in the Urban Context
Speaker: Prof. Elena Omelchenko (Centre for Youth Studies, HSE, Saint-Petersburg)
November 13-14, 2012. Panel of the Center for the History of Text and Language Studies
Anthropology and Political Philosophy: Construction of State of Nature
Conference Rousseau and Rousseauism in the Intellectual Culture of the West between the 18th-21th centuries sponsored by the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Science) and the Embassy of Switzerland in Moscow.
Moderator: Dr. Julia Ivanova
November 2, 2012. Seminar of the Center for University Studies
Video Memoirs of Classical Scholars and University History
Speaker: Prof. Nina Braginskaia (Centre for Studies of Antiquity, RSUH)
October 31, 2012. Seminar of the Research and educational group for Social Studies of Economic Knowledge
How I Became an Economist
Speaker: Prof. Sergei Guriev (New Economic School)
October 25, 2012. Seminar of the Center for the History of Text and Language Studies
Metaphor and Figurativeness According to Giambattista Vico
Speaker: Prof. Stefania Irene Sini (Università del Piemonte orientale). See abstract in Italian.
October 2, 2012. Conference
Andrey Poletayev Memorial Reading. 10th Anniversary of IGITI
September 2-5, 2012. International Summer School
Imperial Geography of Human Sciences: Russian Empire / Soviet Union in the European Context (19th - early 20th c.)
June 19, 2012. Seminar
Reforms of Russian and German Orthography
Speakers: Dr. Olga Karpova (Institute of Russian Language, Moscow), Dr. Kirill Levinson (IGITI).
May 31, 2012. Seminar "Vigiliae sophisticae"
Word and Sense. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola and his Methods of Argumentation
Speaker: Ovanes Akopian (Moscow State University).
May 23, 2012. Roundtable. Discussion of the book
History of Literary Criticism in Russia: Soviet and Post-Soviet Period / Ed. E. Dobrenko, G. Tikhanova. - M.: NLO, 2011.
organized by "Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie", IGITI and Faculty of Philology (HSE).
May 19, 2012. Seminar "Vigiliae sophisticae"
Status of Language in Political Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes.
Speakers: Alexej Pleshkov (IGITI), Prof. Alexander F. Filippov (CFS IGITI), Dr. Petr Rezvykh (IGITI), Pavel Sokolov (IGITI).
May 15, 2012. Seminar
Collaborative Research Clusters in German Humanities. A Field Report.
Speakers: Dr. Jörn Achterberg (DFG), Prof. Dr. Ewald Frie and Prof. Dr. Klaus Gestwa (University Tübingen).
May 11-12, 2012. Seminars-workshops
To Whom Belongs the Urban Space? Who Belongs to (in) the Urban Public Space? Urban Spaces and Art Interventions. A Case of Berlin.
Speaker: Dr. Eszter B. Gantner (Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin).
April 24, 2012. Seminar in collaboration with the Institute for Educational Studies
Anthropological Approach Towards the Study of History of Russian Universities.
Speaker: Prof. Elena Vishlenkova (IGITI).
April 16, 2012. Seminar
Institutional Approach Towards the Study of Knowledge: the Case of Philosophy.
Speaker: Dr. Maxim Diomin (HSE, campus in Saint-Petersburg)
March 21, 2012. Seminar "Vigiliae sophisticae"
When the Criminal is a Pig. “Bad Customs” and Unwritten Laws of Medieval Justice.
Speaker: Dr. Olga Togoeva (Institute of General History, Russian Academy of Sciences).
February 28, 2012. Seminar
Epistemic Interventions: the Discreet Charm of “Borrowed” Explanatory Models.
Speaker: Viktor S. Vakhshtayn, Ph.D. in sociology, Senior scientific researcher of the Center for fundamental sociology of IGITI.
January 25, 2012. Seminar "Vigiliae sophisticae"
Representation of Illegal in Intellectual Culture of Medieval Spain (Evolution of the Concept).
Speaker: Dr. Alexander Marey (Faculty of Philosophy, HSE).
December 13, 2011. Roundtable
Status of Document in Contemporary Culture: Problem of Forgery
December 12-14, 2011. Participation in panels during the debates
Academia in Public Discourse
(Instytut Badań Interdyscyplinarnych "Artes Liberales", Uniwersytet Warszawski)
November 17-20, 2011. Section, organized by IGITI
From Advisor to Expert: the Scholar as Agency of Authority in the New Russian Intellectual History
for the 43rd Annual Convention of the The Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES).
Abstracts of the papers
November 1, 2011. Seminar
Dull History: Conglomeratio Centri
Speaker: Professor Pavel Uvarov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Social History
October 20-21, 2011. Sectional meeting during International Conference of the International Association for the Humanities (Saint-Petersburg)
The Scholar Between Society and Community: Historical Patterns and Pressing Challenges
October 19, 2011. Prof. Elena Vishlenkova delivers a paper in Eberhard Karls University (Tübingen)
University Archives in Russia as a Cultural Project.
October 17, 2011. Prof. Irina Savelieva delivers a paper in Eberhard Karls University (Tübingen)
In Search of the New “Turns”: History and Theory in the 21-st Century.
September 27, 2011. International conference
Andrei Poletayev Memorial Readings.
September 5-8, 2011. International conference.
Illegitimate Argumentation in Western Intellectual Culture. From St. Anselm to Isaac Newton
Program of the Conference. Photos. Materials. Interview
April 26, 2011. Roundtable
Academic Writing in the Contemporary University: Status of the Discipline and Principles of Teaching
Speakers: Dr. B. E. Stepanov (IGITI), Dr. A. M. Perlov (RSUH), Dr. G. A. Orlova (Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don).
April 4, 2011. Seminar
Is Philology still a “Queen” of the Humanities?
in cooperation with the magazine Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie (NLO).
February 15, 2011. Seminar
What has Happened With History and Theory?
Speaker: Prof. I. M. Savelieva (IGITI)
February 5, 2011. Sectional meeting during XVIII International Conference «Ways of Russia» organized by The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences
Culture of Academic Recollection
Meeting is dedicated to the memory of Andrei V. Poletayev
December 14, 2010. Roundtable
Space. Person. History. Social-Cultural Transformations of Museum and Park Tsaritsyno
October 9, 2010. Sectional meeting during International Conference of the International Association for the Humanities (Lviv, Ukraine)
What’s Going on With the Humanities in Post-Soviet States?
September 15–17, 2010. International Conference
Subjectivity and Identity.
Programme de la conférence
May 25, 2010. Seminar
Personal signature: functions, practices and meanings.
Speaker: Prof. A. K. Baiburin (EU SPb)
April 16, 2010. Roundtable
New Tendencies in the Development of Sociological Theory.
March 1, 2010. Roundtable
New Tendencies in the Development of Economical Theory.
December 15, 2009. Roundtable
“Classical University’: Tradition or Archaism?”
October 20, 2009. Roundtable
Citta Ideale: Six Centuries of Urbanistic Utopia
October 19, 2009. International Conference
Polemical Strategies and Means of Argumentation in Intellectual Culture of Western Europe of Pre-Modern Time.
May 19, 2009. Roundtable
Foreign Publications of Russian Scientists: Quantity and Quality.
Materials for discussion
May 13-14, 2009. Students' conference
Classical Tradition and Authority in Social Dimension.
April 14, 2009. Roundtable
Status of the Document in the Modern Culture: Theoretical Problems and Russian Practices.
March 24, 2009. Seminar
Philosophical text and biographical context in the history of philosophy.
Speaker: Dr. P. V. Rezvykh (Peoples' Friendship Univ. of Russia)
February 24, 2009. Seminar
Cognitivism in sociological theory: modern lines of critique.
Speaker: Dr. S. P. Bankovskaya (CFS IGITI)
January 27, 2009. Seminar
Institutional mechanisms and forms of social integration of academic elite in France.
Speaker: Dr. A. V. Yastrebtseva (SU-HSE)
December 2, 2008. Seminar
Chinese poetical anthologies: the problem of innovation in the traditional culture.
Speaker: Dr. I. S. Smirnov (RSUH)
October 21, 2008. Seminar
Practice of destruction and ethics of testimony: memory of the Holocaust.
Speaker: B. V. Dubin (Levada-Center)
September 30, 2008. Seminar
How is “domestic” science made: Ukrainian scientific and educational Project (from the end of 19-th through the first quarter of the 20-th centuries).
Speaker: Dr. A. N. Dmitriev (Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Saint-Petersburg)
September 16, 2008. Seminar
Social sciences and Humanities in contemporary Russia: quantitative aspects.
Speaker: Prof. A. V. Poletayev (IGITI)
June 30, 2008. Conference
Studying Social Events - New Theoretical Perspective in Sociology.
May 24, 2008. Students' conference
Analyzing Cinema in the Context of Contemporary Humanitarian Research
May 17, 2008. Conference
The Birth of Classics: Self-Consciousness of the Humanities Before the Beginning of the New Time.
May 16, 2008. Conference
Presence and Absence of Russia in the World Humanities
April 22, 2008. Seminar
Sub specie aemulationis: The area of a Humanitarian Discipline and Mimetic Desire.
Speaker: Dr. S. Kozlov (Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities - RSUH)
March, 25 2008. Seminar
The experience of late-soviet reading and Strugatsky Brothers Books: "meaning of life" and "meaning of text".
Speaker: Dr. I. Kaspe (IGITI)
March 4, 2008. Roundtable
Knowledge on Culture: Contemporary Situation in Russia.
February 19, 2008. Seminar
Visual anthropology projects of the 18-th century Russian Empire.
Speaker: Prof. E. Vishlenkova (Kazan State University)
January 15, 2008. Seminar
The idea of political in the post-political era.
Speaker: Dr. A. Mikhailovsky (SU-HSE)
December 5, 2007. International Conference.
The 90-th Anniversary of M. Weber’s Famous Speech “Science as Vocation” (Wissenchaft Als Beruf).
October 16, 2007. Seminar
Discussing Collected Translated Works «Sociology of things» (M.: Territoriya Budushego, 2007).
Speaker: Dr. V. Vakhshtayn (CFS IGITI), compiler and editor of the collection
September 27, 2007. Seminar
Historicizing past/ Historicizing present.
Speakers: Prof. A. Kamensky (IGITI), S. Ryzhenkov (CISP)
May 22, 2007. Seminar
"Turn to the reader" at "the end of literature".
Speaker: Prof. T. Venediktova (Faculty of philology, MSU)
May 15, 2007. Conference
History and Sociology of Literary Contests and Awards.
April 17, 2007. Seminar
Conceptual and social orientations in the early Christian tradition.
Speaker: Master of theology Ye. Molodov (St.-Philareth Orthodox-Christian Institute)
March 20, 2007. Seminar
Classics as the way of structurization of the readers' experience.
Speaker: Dr. I. Kaspe (IGITI)
February 20, 2007. Seminar
Do scholars need to speak to ghosts?
Speaker: Prof. A. Poletayev (IGITI)
January 30, 2007. Seminar
Theoretical sociology as a practical philosophy.
Speaker: Prof. A. Filippov (IGITI)
November 28, 2006. Seminar
Will Clio survive under globalization?
Speakers: Dr. M. Boytsov (Faculty of History, MSU), Prof. I. Savelieva (IGITI)
September 19, 2006. Seminar
"Official folk character"? Towards re-evaluation of Sergey Uvarov
Speaker: Prof A. Miller (INION RAS, CEU)
May 20, 2006. Seminar
Eurasionism and self-determination of intellectuals.
Speaker: Dr. B. Stepanov (IGITI)
April 19, 2006. Roundtable
Social Groups and their Representations of the Past.
April 11-12, 2006. Conference
A commentary in Culture: History and Modernity.
March 28, 2006. Seminar
Formation of the canon in the (history of) photography.
Speaker: Dr. O. Gavrishina (RSUH)
February 28, 2006. Seminar
Intellectual history: Theory and practice.
Speaker: Prof. L. Repina (IGITI)
January 20, 2006. Seminar
Russian reforms: The lessons of history.
Speaker: Prof. A. Kamensky (RSUH)
December 27, 2005. Seminar
Deconstruction of classics: Classical comedy in postclassical drama.
Speaker: Prof. M. Andreev (IGITI)
November 22, 2005. Seminar
Metaphor of the center and Western political form: Empire - state - empire comes back?
Speaker: Dr. S. Kaspe (SU-HSE)
November 1, 2005. Seminar
"Inconvenient" classics in the 20th century sociology: The scientific heritage of Erving Goffman.
Speaker: V. Vakhchtain (SU-HSE)
September 23, 2005. Seminar
Do Americans know history?
Speaker: Prof. A. Poletayev (IGITI)
May 31, 2005. Seminar
Future of the past: Possibility of theorizing the early cinema.
Speaker: Dr. N. Samutina (IGITI)
April 26, 2005. Seminar
Who and why needs the philosophy of science today?
Speaker: Prof. V. Porus (SU-HSE)
March 29, 2005. Roundtable
Individual in Social Sciences and the Humanities.
February 22, 2005. Seminar
Symbolic center and periphery - in the Middle Ages and beyond.
Speaker: Prof. M. Boytsov (Faculty of History, MSU)
January 18, 2005. Seminar
Memory of the victory against the memory of the war.
Speaker: B. Dubin (Levada-Center)
December 3, 2004. Seminar
Sociology of markets: Can economists and sociologists understand each other?
Speaker: Prof. V. Radaev (SU-HSE)
November 16, 2004. Seminar
Linguistics, semantics, and psychology.
Speaker: Prof. R. Frumkina (Institute for Language Studies RAS)
October 15, 2004. Seminar
Hierotopy: Making of sacred spaces as an object of historical studies.
Speaker: Dr. A. Lidov (Research Center for Eastern Christian Culture)
September 21, 2004. Seminar
Representation of the Russian past in contemporary textbooks.
Speaker: Prof. G. Zvereva (RSUH)
May 25, 2004. Seminar
Constructing the past in the process of communication.
Speaker: Prof. A. Filippov (IGITI)
April 27, 2004. Seminar
The sacred in contemporary culture.
Speaker: Prof. S. Zenkin (RSUH)
March 9, 2004. Seminar
Keepers of knowledge: University spirit and university system.
Speaker: Prof. P. Uvarov (IGH RAS)
February 3, 2004. Seminar
"Ordinary people" on TV-screen: Reality show, talk-show, home video.
Speaker: Dr. V. Zvereva (IGH RAS)
January 22, 2004. Seminar
Art movement "peredvizhniki": From companionship to department.
Speaker: Prof. S. Eckshtut (IGH RAS)
December 16, 2003. Seminar
Methodological liberalism and structure of theories in the social sciences and humanities.
Speaker: Prof. A. Yurevich (IIET RAS)
December 2, 2003. Seminar
Collectivity, stereotype, affect: Approaching the topic.
Speaker: Dr. H. Petrovskaya (IF RAS)
November 18, 2003. Seminar
Problem of expert's competence in Russia: Case of sociology.
Speaker: Dr. V. Nikolayev (Department of sociology, SU-HSE)
October 28, 2003.
Re-Conceptualization of cultural epochs: Antiquity.
Speaker: Dr. N. Grintser (RSUH)
September 16, 2003. Seminar
Historical memory: Revenge of local historians or Multiplication of substances?
Speaker: Prof. I. Savelieva (IGITI). Co-speaker: Prof. L. Repina (IGITI)
Contemporary European cinema and the idea of the culture as the "past".
Speaker: Dr. N. Samutina (IGITI)
April 15, 2003. Seminar
Philosophy as a form of knowledge of the past.
Speaker: Prof. A. Routkevich (IGITI)
March 25, 2003. Seminar
Development of the expert community in Russia.
Speaker: Dr. L. Grigoriev (IMEMO RAS)
March 18, 2003. Seminar
Romanticism: System of revolution?
Speaker: Prof. S. Zenkin (RSUH)
February 18, 2003. Seminar
Post-soviet studies in humanities: Strategies of legitimization and scientific norms.
Speaker: Dr. B. Stepanov (RSUH)
January 21, 2003. Seminar
Re-Conceptualization of cultural epochs: Renaissance.
Speaker: Prof. M. Andreev (IGITI)
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