The VII Andrey Poletayev Memorial Readings: "Geography of Knowledge: Map and Territory"
On October 2, Poletayev Readings took place in IGITI. It is an annual conference of IGITI, held in early autumn in memory of the founder of the Institute Andrey Poletaev (1952–2010). Poletayev Readings has become a tradition for the Instutute and a great place to reflect on ongoing research, to discuss current problems and to plan future projects.
Programme 11.00 Opening (room 508)
Opening address — the Director of IGITI Irina M. Savelieva
Session 1. Travels of Ideas (room 508)
Chair: Alexei Pleshkov (IGITI)
Natalia Nikiforova (IGITI)
Electricity in technolandscapes of the XIX century Russian sci-fi novels.
Alexander Dmitriev (IGITI)
"Geopolitics" of modernism in the Left: from anarchism to the Smenovekhovstvo
12.10 — 12.30. Coffee break (room 518)
Alfred Nordmann (Technical University of Darmstadt)
The World of the Work — Taking the Spatial Constitution of Socio-Technical System Seriously
Jan Surman (IGITI)
NeMoskva and NeVena: Remarks on Geographies and Geographical Imaginaries of Knowledge
13.30 — 14.30. Lunch
14.30 — 17.00. Round table discussions
Round Table 1. "Medical Geography" (room 508)
Chair: Elena Vishlenkova (IGITI)
Andreas Renner (University of Munich)
The medicine of geography as a concept for the history of medicine
Anna Afanasieva (HSE School of Cultural Studies)
Medical Geography of the Colonial Territories
Elena Vishlenkova (IGITI and HSE School of History)
Ways of Transfer and the Production of Medical Geographical Knowledge in the Russian Empire
Round Table 2. "Imaginary Geography: Popular Culture and Urban Space" (room 518)
Chair: Natalia Samutina (IGITI)
Alexandra Kolesnik (IGITI)
Musical Geography: Alternative Routes in St. Petersburg
Zemfira Salamova (HSE School of Cultural Studies)
Watch the TV Series — Rewatch the City: St. Petersburg as a Shooting Locaion of the BBC's "War and Peace"
Oksana Zaporozhets (IGITI)
"The Distant Close", Imaginative and Real: the Art of Being a Neighbour in a Megapolis
Jana Krupets and Nedezhda Vasilieva (Center for Youth Studies, HSE, St. Petersburg)
Sticker-artists and the City: Picking the Modes of Engagement
Ekaterina Kulinicheva (independent researcher)
"We Do Trainers Better than You": Symbolic Geography of Sneakerhead Culture
Boris Stepanov (IGITI)
Local History of the Outskirts
Alisa Maximova (IGITI)
Mobile Audioguides and Experience of Exploring the City Space
17.00. Final discussion
October 03, 2018
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