Aleksei Pleshkov took part in the international workshop « Change and Changemakers in Ancient Philosophy», organized by University of Siegen and University of Oxford

The international workshop « Change and Changemakers in Ancient Philosophy» was held online on July 1-2. This workshop is a collaborative initiative of the Change and Change-Makers Network (Siegen) together with the Mereology of Potentiality Project (Oxford). Aleksei Pleshkov presented a paper «What Makes Time Change? The Temporal Status of the Receptacle in Plato’s Timaeus».


The paper focuses on the temporal status of the receptacle, consider to be different from both time of the Cosmos and eternity of the Forms. Aleksei Pleshkov proposes the general interpretative scheme for Plato’s metaphysics of time: time (of the cosmos) for Plato is the dialectical result of the interplay of eternity (of the forms) and instantaneousness (of the receptacle).


The paper was prepared within the framework of the Russian Science Foundation grant № 21-18-00366 “Analytical History of Eternity: Temporology in the Mirror of Eternalism”

International workshop website and programme.