Наши аннотации к рекомендованной литературе
Здесь мы публикуем аннотации к литературе, которую обсуждаем на научных семинарах.
Семинар 1. Проблемное поле Heritage Studies
1. Albert M.-Th . Introduction // Understanding Heritage: Perspectives in Heritage Studies. Berlin,Boston: de Gruyter, 2013. P. 3–9; Eadem . Heritage Studies–Paradigmatic Reflections // Ibid. P. 9–18; Silberman N.A . Heritage Interpretation as Public Discourse: Towards a New Paradigm // Ibid. P. 21–34.
Реферат А.В. Русанова (PDF, 363 Кб)
2. Barrère Ch . Cultural heritages: From official to informal // City, Culture and Society. 2015. 7. 10.
Реферат Е. Худайбердиевой (PDF, 469 Кб)
3. Carman J., Stig Sørensen M. L . Heritage Studies: an outline // Heritage Studies: Methods and Approaches / Ed. J. Carman, M.L. Stig Sørensen. London, New York: Routledge, 2009. P. 11–28.
Реферат А. Овруцкой (PDF, 208 Кб)
4. Gentry K., Smith L . Critical heritage studies and the legacies of the late-twentieth century heritage canon // International Journal of Heritage Studies. 2019. 25. 11. P. 1148–1168.
Реферат Е. Лысенко (PDF, 363 Кб)
5. Graham B . Heritage as Knowledge: Capital or Culture? // Urban Studies. 2002. Vol. 39. 5–6. P. 1003–1017.
Реферат В. Овчаровой (PDF, 202 Кб)
6. Logan W., Kockel U., Craith M. N. The New Heritage Studies: Origins and Evolution, Problems and Prospects // A Companion to Heritage Studies / Ed. William Logan, Máiréad Nic Craith, Ullrich Kockel. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2016. P. 1–26.
Реферат А.С. Колесник (PDF, 318 Кб)
7. Lumley R. The debate on heritage reviewed // Heritage, Museums and Galleries: An introductory reader / Ed. G. Corsane. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008. P. 15–26.
Реферат К.А. Ильиной (PDF, 130 Кб)
8. Waterton E., Watson S . Framing theory: towards a critical imagination in heritage studies // International Journal of Heritage Studies. 2013. 19. 6. P. 546–561.
Реферат М. Сениной (PDF, 363 Кб)
9. Winter T . Heritage studies and the privileging of theory, International Journal of Heritage Studies. 2014. 20.5. P. 556–572.
Реферат Л. Левицкого (PDF, 142 Кб)
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