
  Alexander N. Dmitriev


  Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities

Leading research fellow 

  Head of the Center for the History of Ideas and Sociology of Knowledge






Other positions:

  • Associate professor, Department of the History of Ideas and Methods of Historical Research, Faculty of history, Higher School of Economics

  • Associate professor, Russian Anthropological School (Russian State University for the Humanities)

Academic degrees and titles:

  • Diploma in history (St. Petersburg State University, 1994)

  • MA in sociology (European University in St. Petersburg, 1997, validated by University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciense)

  • Ph.D. in history (St. Petersburg State University, 1998) 

Fields of interests:

  • Intellectual History
  • History of Human and Social Sciences

  • History of Education 

Teaching courses:

  • History of 19th-20th c. Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Problems of historical knowledge

Main publications:


Prochorova I., Dmitriev A., Kukulin I. (Eds.) Anthropology of Revolution.
Antropologiya revolyuzii. Sb. statey. M.: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2009. 496 s.

Mauer T., Dmitriev A. (Eds.). University and City in Russia at the Beginning of the XX Century
Universitet i gorod v Rossii v nachale XX veka. M.: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2009. – 783 p.

Dmitriev A. N. Marxism without Proletariat: Georg Lukács and Early Frankfurt  School in 1920-1930’s.
Marksizm bez proletariata: Georg Lukach i rannyaya Frankfurtskaya shkola v 1920–1930-h gg. M.; SPb: Letnii sad; Evropeiskii universitet v Peterburge, 2004. – 538 p.

Recent articles

Dmitriev A. N. Model “Russian Theory”, or Western Heritage of Russian Formalism
Obraztsovaya «russkaya teoriya», ili Zapadnoe nasledie formal'noi shkoly // Nacional'naya gumanitarnaya nauka v mirovom kontekste: opyt Rossii i Pol'shi / Red. E. Akser, I. Savelieva. M.: GU-VShE, 2010. S. 63—91.

Dmitriev A. N. Bolsheviks, Intelligentsia and Russian Identity: to the History of Diagnoses made by Smenovekhovtsy
Bol'sheviki, intelligenty i rossiiskaya samobytnost': k istorii smenovehovskih diagnozov // Ideologiya «osobogo puti» v Rossii i Germanii: istoki, soderjanie, posledstviya / Pod red. E.A. Paina. M.: Tri kvadrata, 2010.

Dmitriev A. N. Towards the biography of Academician V.N. Perets
K biografii akademika V.N. Peretca // Peretc V.N. Kratkii ocherk metodologii istorii russkoi literatury. M.: Gosudarstvennaya publichnaya istoricheskaya biblioteka, 2010. S. 25—35.

Dmitriev A. N. Literary Criticism in State Academy of Artistic Sciences between Philosophy, Poetics and Sociology
Literaturovedenie v GAHN mejdu filosofiei, poetikoi i sociologiei // Logos. 2010. № 2. S. 105—121.

Dmitriev A., Bikbov A. Persons and Situations (to the Genealogy and Anthropology of Academic Neoconservatism)
Lyudi i polojeniya (k genealogii i antropologii akademicheskogo neokonservatizma) // Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. 2010. № 105. S. 43-68.

Vishlenkova E. A., Dmitriev A. N. Convenient Past for a Corporation: Post-Soviet Universities in Search of Classical Status
Udobnoe proshloe dlya odnoi korporacii: postsovetskie universitety v poiskah klassicheskogo statusa // Trudy «Russkoi antropologicheskoi shkoly». Vyp.7. M., 2010. S.381-396

Dmitriev A. N. Between Reception and Consumption: the Realm of Experience and Demand for Humanities in Russia at 2000’s
Mezhdu rezepziey i potrebleniem: «prostranstvo opyta» i charakter sprosa na gumanitarnoe zna-nie v Rossii 2000-ch // Puti Rossii. T. XVI. Sovremennoe intellektual'noe prostranstvo: shkoly, napravleniya, pokoleniya / Red. M. G. Pougachyeva, V. S. Vakhshtayn. M.: Universitetskaya kniga, 2009. S. 125-132.

Dmitriev A. N. Marxism as Tradition and Perspective.
Marksizm yak tradizіya і perspektiva // Ukraїna moderna. 2009. Ch. 14(3). S. 54—59.

Dmitriev A. N., Kukulin I., Majofis M. Elusive Agent of Revolution.
Uskol'zajushiy agent revoljucii // Antropologija revoljucii. Sb. statej. М. NLO, 2009. S. 5—14.

Dmitriev A. Russian Pre-Revolutionary Marxism on the Personality // Studies in East European Thought. 2009 (Vol. 61) P. 105—112.

Dmitriev A. N. Appropriation  as Constitution, or On Russian Formalism and Non-Classic Classics in Humanities
 Prisvoenie kak konstituirovanie, ili O russkom formalizme i «neklassicheskoi» gumanitarnoi klassike // Klassika i klassiki v social'nom i gumanitarnom znanii / Red. I. M. Savelieva, A. V. Poletayev. M.: NLO, 2009. P. 361-380.

Dmitriev A. N. How Moscow Formalism is Made (and also Why was Antiquated)
Kak sdelan (i pochemu okazalsya antikvirovan) moskovskii formalizm // Issledovaniya po istorii russkoi mysli. Ezhegodniki 2006-2007. M.: Tri kvadrata, 2009. P. 121–140.

Dmitriev A. N. Marxism
Marksizm // Myslyashaya Rossiya. Istoriya i teorii intelligencii i intellektualov / Pod red. V. Kurennogo. M.: Nasledie Evrazii, 2009. P. 163–187.

Dmitriev A. N. On the other side of the ‘university problem’: Government’s Policy and Social Life of Russian Higher School (1900-1917)
Po tu storonu «universitetskogo voprosa»: pravitel'stvennaya politika i social'naya zhizn' rossiiskoi vysshei shkoly (1900-1917 gody) // Universitet i gorod v Rossii (nachalo HH veka) / Pod red. T. Maurer i A. Dmitrieva. M.: NLO, 2009. P. 105–204.

Dmitriev A. N. Academy of Science, “Malorossian Question” and Ukrainian Intellectual Tradition (the end of XIX – beginning of the XX century)
Akademiya nauk, «malorossiiskii vopros» i ukrainskaya intellektual'naya traditsiya v kontse XIX – nachale XX veka // Akademiya nauk v istorii rossiiskoi kul'tury / Otv. red. E. I. Kolchinskii. SPb.: Nauka, 2009. Р. 423–451.

Dmitriev A. N. Schnittstellen und Übergänge: Gesellschaft, Geschichte und Persönlichkeit im russischen Formalismus // Haardt A., Plotnikov N. (Hrsg.). Diskurse der Personalität. Die Begriffsgeschichte der ‚Person’ aus deutscher und russischer Perspektive. München: Fink Verlag 2008. P. 421–438.

Dmitriev A. N. “Academic Marxism” of the 1920s—1930s: The Western Context and the Soviet Circumstances
"Akademicheskii marksizm" 1920-1930-h godov: zapadnyi kontekst i sovetskie obstoyatel'stva // Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. № 88. 2007. P. 10—38.

Dmitriev A. N. Ukrainian Science and its Imperial Background (XIX – beginning of the XX century)
Ukrainskaya nauka i ee imperskie konteksty (XIX – nachalo XX veka) // Ab Imperio. 2007. № 4. P. 121–172.

Dmitriev A. N. “Adhesion of Passages”: Boris Eikhenbaum and Lidia Ginzburg on History, Society and Personality
«Sceplenie perehodov»: obshestvo, istoriya i lichnost' u Borisa Eihenbauma i Lidii Ginzburg // Personal'nost'. Yazyk filosofii v russko-nemeckom dialoge. M., 2007. P. 368—389.

Dmitriev A. N. Time of Historians (Review of recent publications on historiography and academic policy in Russia and USSR)
Vremya istorikov (obzor publikacii po istorii istoricheskoi nauki i akademicheskoi politiki v Rossii i SSSR) // Neprikosnovennyi zapas. 2007. № 5.

Dmitriev A. N. “Logos” on Russian: from Monument to Format
«Logos» po russki: ot monumenta k formatu // Otechestvennye zapiski. 2006. № 3.

Dmitriev A. N. European Exile for Russian Westernizers: The Logos Circle // Journal of the Interdisciplinary Crossroads [Thematic Issue: “The Limits of Exile” / Eds. D. Kettler & Z. Ben-Dor]. Vol. 3. N  1 (April, 2006). P. 75–91.

Dmitriev A. N. The State, the Universities, and the Reform of Higher Education in Russia during the First World War // Kollegen - Kommilitonen - Kämpfer: europäische Universitäten im Ersten Weltkrieg / T. Maurer (Hg.). Stuttgart: Steiner, 2006. S. 147—158.

Dmitriev A. N. Changes in International Outlook of the Russian Academic Community during and after World War I // Kollegen - Kommilitonen - Kämpfer: europäische Universitäten im Ersten Weltkrieg / T. Maurer (Hg.). Stuttgart: Steiner, 2006. S. 341—352.

Dmitriev A. N. Contemporary Russian Social Theory // Handbook of Contemporary European Social Theory / Ed. by G. Delanty. London; New York: Routledge, 2005. Р. 153—167.

Dmitriev A. N. Burden of the Autonomy (Revolution, Intelligentsia and Higher School, 1905–2005)
Bremya avtonomii (revolutsija, inteligentsija I visshaja shkola, 1905-2005) // "Neprikosnovennii Zapas". 2005. N 6. P. 90–95.