Center for the History of Ideas and Sociology of Knowledge
Studies of the Center are focused on the history of symbolic systems in the European culture, analysis of the basic categories of social and humanitarian knowledge, its historical, cultural and anthropological grounds and mechanisms of formation. Priority is given to such fields as intellectual history, historical poetics, symbolic power, reception and interpretation of texts (historical hermeneutics), historical sociology of knowledge and organization of the intellectual space, including the problem of interaction between science and education.
Formation of Human and Social Sciences in Russia: scientific models circulation and Russian-European relations (XIX–early XX century) (CERCEC — EHESS, 2010-2013)
Research and educational group for Social Studies of Economic Knowledge (SF HSE, 2012)
Formation of a Disciplinary Field in Social Sciences and Humanities (CFR HSE, 2011)
Historical Culture in Russia in the 18th-19thCenturies: Formation of Representations of the Past (2009–2010)
Presence and Absence of Russia in International Social Sciences and Humanities (2008)
Models of Formation and Development of the Modern Social Sciences and the Humanities (CFR SU-HSE, 2008)
Expert Knowledge and Popular Representations: The Mechanisms of Formation and Interrelation (CFR SU-HSE, 2007)
Classics in the Modern Social Sciences and the Humanities (RSFH, 2006-2007)
Les formes de la connaissance du passé (Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, France, 2004–2005)
Representations of the Past as a Factor of Social Integration (RSFH, 2003—2004)
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