New article by Natalia Samutina on manga reading in Russia

A new article by leading research fellow Natalia Samutina, "Japanese manga in Russia: Introduction to research on reading practices", was published in the New Literary Observer journal (№6, 2019). The full text of the article (in Russian) is in open access.

New article by Natalia Samutina on manga reading in Russia

The article introduces first results of 3-years research on practices of manga reading in Russia. It builds upon participant observation in manga reading communities, focus groups, expert interviews and an online survey (1545 participants). The article gives information about age and geographical scope of Russian manga readers, characterizes reading contexts and the main influences of this activity on the readers. The educational motivations, alternative temporality, different scenarios of emotional attachment and reception in the process of reading are examined in details.

You can read the article (in Russian) on New Literary Observer website