Tag "discussions"

On 3-4 June 2019, International Workshop "Beyond Post-Truth: Media Landscapes in the 'Age of Insecurity'" took place in St. Petersburg. It was organised in collaboration with IGITI. We are glad to present a report on the event and video recordings of some talks.

During the seminar ‘Going Digital: The Forms and Formats of the Medialization of Knowledge Inside and Outside of the Academia’ Oksana Zaporozhets, Leading Research Fellow at Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities and Ekaterina Lapina-Kratasyuk, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design presented their joint report ‘The Anthropology of Digital City As an Emerging Field: The Issues of Research and Teaching’.
On April 16-17 Olessia Kirtchik, Leading Research Fellow at the Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities took part in the conference Conference ‘Talking about Economics in the Socialist World (1920s – 1980s)’, which took place at the Global Studies Institute at the University of Geneva (Switzerland). Her report was dedicated to ‘Circulation of the Concepts of Mathematical Economics between the West and the USSR’.
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