Leading Research Fellow of IGITI Kirill Levinson took part in the conference "Take Back Aging: Power, Critique, Imagination". It was a joint international conference of the North American and European Networks in Aging Studies hosted by the Trent Centre for Aging & Society, Trent University, Peterborough, Canada. Kirill Levinson presented a paper "Changes in the Soviet Academia’s Age-Related Personnel Policies During the Cold War." See the programme and abstract.
Tag "conferences & seminars"
Director of IGITI Aleksei Pleshkov took part in Symposium Platonicum XII: Plato’s Parmenides, which was held on July 14–19, 2019 in Paris (France). His talk was devoted to Plato’s concept of eternity in dialogues the Parmenides and the Timaeus. The conference was organised by the International Plato Society, with the support of INHA: Institut national d'histoire de l'art, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Ambassade de Grèce à Paris and 10 more educational and research institutions of France.
On June 3, Birgitte Beck Pristed, Associate professor of School of Culture and Society - Russian and Balkan Studies at Aarhus University (Denmark) presented a paper based on her new book “The New Russian Book: A Graphic Cultural History” (Palgrave 2017) at the Research Center for Contemporary Culture Academic Seminar.
IGITI Research Fellow Natalia Nikiforova took part in the International Conference “Climate change in the Soviet Union and Russia: Approaches and Debates in Science, Society, and Politics, 1960s-2010s” (April 25 – 26, The German Historical Institute Moscow) as a discussant of the plenary session.
On February 27, a seminar "There is Plenty of Room at the Bottom: Making Space in a Limited World" took place in IGITI. Alfred Nordmann, Professor of Philosophy of Science and of Technoscience at Darmstadt Technical University, presented on technosciences as conquest of space. See the lecture's abstract and photos.
On 20 February, International Symposium "Art Sciences on the Border of Science and Art: The State Academy of Artistic Sciences (GAKhN) and Aesthetic Experience of the 1920s" was held at HSE Moscow. The event was organized by the Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities and the Lotman Institute of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
On February 8, IGITI Leading Research Fellow Olessia Kirchik has participated in a seminar "Critique and circumvention of digital boundaries" (Critique et contournement des frontières numériques) of a collective research project RESISTIC at the School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS, Paris).
IGITI Chief Research Fellow Christian Fleck has participated in two conferences in Vienna: "Social Sciences as Society Organization: Diagnosis, Reflection, Anticipation" (Sozialwissenschaften als Gesellschaftsgestaltung: Diagnose, Reflexion, Antizipation) and "Edgar Zilsel and Critique of Geniereligion" (Edgar Zilsel und die Kritik der Geniereligion). See the conferences' programmes and presentations.
On June 21-22 international conference "Soviet States and Beyond: Political Epistemologies of/and Marxism 1917-1945-1968" was held at IGITI. The conference was focused on the political epistemology of intellectuals, primarily scholars working in the field of humanities and sciences, as well as artists and writers.
Alexander Dmitriev, Kirill Levinson, and Boris Stepanov have participated in an anniversary convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES), which was held in Boston on December 6-9.