A new article by leading research fellow Natalia Samutina, "Japanese manga in Russia: Introduction to research on reading practices", was published in the New Literary Observer journal (№6, 2019). The full text of the article (in Russian) is in open access.
Research & Expertise
Leading research fellow of IGITI and the head of the Research Centre for Contemporary Culture Natalia Samutina took part in the international symposium "Theorizing Anime: Invention of Concepts and Conditions of Their Possibility", held in Tokyo on November 16-17, 2019.
On October 16 Deputy Director of IGITI Boris Stepanov took part in a round table discussion "New Histories – Old Futures: Cultural Studies and Post-Communist Europe", organized by the Department of Cultural Studies of the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia).
On June 3, Birgitte Beck Pristed, Associate professor of School of Culture and Society - Russian and Balkan Studies at Aarhus University (Denmark) presented a paper based on her new book “The New Russian Book: A Graphic Cultural History” (Palgrave 2017) at the Research Center for Contemporary Culture Academic Seminar.
On April 15, 2019, Research Centre for Contemporary Culture organizes a special event "Manga as Literature, Manga as Reading" with the participation of Jaqueline Berndt (Professor of Japanese Language and Culture, Stockholm University), Yulia Magera (Senior Lecturer, Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies HSE), Natalia Samutina (Leading Researcher, Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities HSE) and Yulia Tarasuk (Leading Librarian, Curator of Comics Library at the Izmailovskaya City Library, Saint Petersburg).
In September, IGITI Research Centre for Contemporary Culture held a seminar ‘Analysing “informal” practices in (digital) cultural economies’. The talk was presented by Dr Ellen Rutten, Professor of Literature at the University of Amsterdam. See an interview with HSE News, in which Dr Rutten spoke about Sublime Imperfections project, her other current research work, and ongoing collaboration with HSE and IGITI.
Leading Research Fellow of IGITI Oksana Zaporozhets participated in a conference "Urban Activism and the Development of Civil Society in the Russian Federation", held on October 12-13 in Berlin.
Vladislav Staf participated in the 5th annual conference of International Federation for Public History (IFPH), which took place on August 21-24 in the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of Sao Paulo (EACH — USP), Sao Paulo, Brazil. Vladislav presented a paper "Gulag history in camp museums of the region of Perm: some narratives of human rights defenders and prison guards" in the "Difficult Heritage" session.
On May 23, Ellen Rutten, Professor of Russian and Slavic Studies at the University of Amsterdam, delivered a lecture at HSE on her new book, ‘Sincerity after Communism’. An expert on Slavonic literature and culture, Professor Rutten is involved in numerous projects, including the Digital Emotions group, Sublime Imperfections, and ‘Russian Literature’, a journal where she serves as editor-in-chief.
On December 1, Natalia Samutina participated in the international 'Dirt, Punk, Trash' workshop, organized by Amsterdam University in the framework of the project “Sublime Imperfections” (dr. Ellen Rutten).