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Video and Photo Reports from the Conference on ‘Biological Concepts, Models, and Metaphors in Social and Human Sciences’

Video and Photo Reports from the Conference on ‘Biological Concepts, Models, and Metaphors in Social and Human Sciences’
The Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities (IGITI) held an international conference on 29-30 October 2015 on ‘Biological Concepts, Models, and Metaphors in Social and Human Sciences’.

Review by Oleg Morozov Published in ‘Kasvatus & Aika’ Journal

The review by Oleg Morozov, Research Assistant at the Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities was published in the second issue of the journal ‘Kasvatus & Aika’.

Article by Irina Savelieva Published in Social Science Front

Article by Irina Savelieva Published in Social Science Front
The article by Irina Savelieva, Director of the Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities was published in the Chinese journal ‘Social Science Front’.

Alisa Maximova is doing an internship at King's College London

Alisa Maximova, research intern of the Research Centre for Contemporary Culture, is visiting King’s College London as a part of her PhD programme at HSE. Her work in KCL is supervised by Dr. Dirk vom Lehn, coauthor of several papers on museum visitor interaction and participation, as well as author of the book “Harold Garfinkel: The Creation and Development of Ethnomethodology”. Alisa is a visiting PhD student in the Work, Interaction and Technology Research Centre in the Department of Management. Members of the Centre specialize in studying social interaction, role of technology and material objects in collaboration and conduct in offices, control centers, medical environment, museums.

Oksana Zaporozhets participated in international conference at University of Zagreb

Oksana Zaporozhets participated in the international conference "Media and the City. Urban Media Studies: Concerns, Intersections and Challenges” at University of Zagreb (24–25 September 2015). She presented a paper "Invading urban underground: the mediatization of metro".

Working Paper by Alexandra Kolesnik Published

The working paper ‘Images of the Past in British Popular Music of the 1960s: ‘Relevant History’ of the Kinks’ by Alexandra Kolesnik, Research Assistant at the Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities has been published. The author studies the historical imagery of British popular music in the1960s drawing on the example of the rock band ‘The Kinks’. Their interest in English folklore, musical and cultural traditions, widely known to the national audience, became an original reinterpretation of relevant events in England of the 1960s, and national history as a whole.

The University of Amsterdam launched a new International Project with participation of Research Center for Contemporary Culture

In September 2015, a new form of cooperation started between Amsterdam School for Regional, Transnational and European Studies and IGITI Research Center for Contemporary Culture. A newly established international, inter-disciplinary research group within the project “Participatory cultures: post-socialist new media practices” is coordinated by Dr. Sudha Rajagopalan (European Studies, University of Amsterdam) with the participation of Dr. Ellen Rutten (Professor of Slavonic Literatures & Cultures, University of Amsterdam). Russian members of the group are Natalia Samutina, Oksana Zaporozhets, Boris Stepanov, and Alexandra Kolesnik.

Alexandra Kolesnik participated in the international conference at Autonomous University of Barcelona

Alexandra Kolesnik participated in the international interdisciplinary conference "Vth Meeting of Young Researchers in Modern and Contemporary History" (panel “The Past at the Crossroads. Experience, Critique and Historical Imagination”) at Autonomous University of Barcelona (July 15–17).

Irina Savelieva at the Meeting ‘The Traditions of Mediterranean Humanism and the Challenges of Our Times: the Frontiers of Humanity’

Irina Savelieva at the Meeting ‘The Traditions of Mediterranean Humanism and the Challenges of Our Times: the Frontiers of Humanity’
Irina Savelieva, Director of the Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities took part in the meeting of the International PhD Programme ‘The Traditions of Mediterranean Humanism and the Challenges of Our Times: the Frontiers of Humanity’ that was held on June 9-10 in Warsaw. 

Alexandra Kolesnik participated in the seminar at University College London

On June 3, IGITI Research assistant Alexandra Kolesnik participated in Social Sciences Research Student Seminar at the Department of History of University College London. She presented a paper “Representing history in British heavy metal music of the 1980s” based on her dissertation research. Discussing the paper participants touched on the theoretical framework of the research project, and practical questions.


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